Dakota's graduation was on Saturday, May 16 2009. It was held on the fairgrounds, in the Matthewson Center. Here is a picture of Cory [R] and her friend Carrie waiting for the ceremonies to begin.
The next afternoon, there was a picnic at Bothwell State Park for family and friends to celebrate with Dakota.

Here is a pic of the banner Cory had made so friends and family would know this was the place for Dakota's Party. Cory's stepdad Jim, and family friend Earline [aka Mamaw] are included in the pic, too.

A shot of the cake, displayed with Dakota's senior pictures and his diploma.

Here he is opening presents. There are pics from his school days, and some of his awards displayed on the table. Cory found some 'music' decorations to hang from the rafters in the picnic shelter.

Reading through cards from friends and family.
The day was sunny, warm, and with just a slight breeze. So different from the day before at Rob's celebration.
These cousins were born just 24 days apart. Dakota's b-day is the 4th of April, and Rob's is the 28th. Proud of both of them!