GRRRRR! these pics were in the right order when I pushed publish!! This is the second try, too. Go to the 3rd pic in the line.
3.Click on this pic to make it bigger and you can readthis information. Now, see that area in the top right of the drawing that looks like a little cave? That is a collapsed lava tube. [Now , scroll down to the bottom picture .]

2. Ron and I really loved seeing this! Isn't this a good picture of us? [Now, scroll back up to the top picture .]

1. This is the wonderful surprise that awaited us when Chris pulled into an 'overlook' just to see what it was about. He said he had passed by it several times on his buiness trips and decided he wanted to know what was here. This is the Rogue River Gorge. This water was
Thundering over the rocks and boulders. Awesome! [scroll up 1 pic]
4. If you click on this pic, it will make it brighter and you can see that the drawing was made to look like this pic. If you look in the upper right of the picture, you can see that 'cave' that is a collapsed lava tube. I thought it was so cool how they put that all together! Now you know why I was so frustrated that the pics did not line up like I had placed them to post!
(Well, when I tried that out on my computer, it didn't work so well. :0( But when I had my pics printed at Walgreens, you could see it plainly. I hope it works better for you! )
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