These pics are not in order, but I think you can figure it out. When we left the second beach we were ready to find some food!

First, though, we stopped a couple of places right near the beach to get some pics of the fishing fleet. We saw 2 or 3 come in to dock.

Some of them are pretty big, like the blue one here, but some are pretty small,too There may have been a few 'pleasure boats' in there, too.

Erika wanted some crab legs, but they were not available. So we tlaked her in to trying clams. That little gal, who ordinarily doesn't eat very much, ate a pretty good sized order of clams!
Madison decided on a cheeseburger, and Karen had Chicken Cordon Bleu, but the rest of us had seafood! Chris, Ron, and I had seafood platters with several different things on them and Jacob had a big order of shrimp. Yummy!!!

This "Totem" sculpture was several feet high and was right at the entrance to the parking area at the beach. I forgot to mention in the last post...there was quite a camping area right here, too. It was really filling up, too, as this was a Friday and folks were coming in for the weekend.
I guess karen is not a seafood fan? Funny, didn't realize that. I would be all over that shrimp platter! Mmmmm!
I really wasn't bored, but I sure look that way huh. I was probably tired and thinking that I was going to miss the sunset. :O)
Erika IS quite the piggy when it comes to seafood! She loves it! She just had crab legs on Sun. and ate till her tummy was bubbled out! Then thanked her Daddy three times for taking her to get them. :O)
I just realized that I am holding Erika's milk glass for her and I'm not even paying ANY attention to her. I'm telling you...I was really worried about that sunset!! :O)
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