The evening before we left to go back out to Oregon for Karen's surgery, we met Kirk, Stacy, and Emily at the Mexican restaurant in Tipton. Kevin and Cory and Maggy, and Dakota and his girlfriend Casey came too.
Here is Emily smiling big for the camera. This was before she pitched a fit about wanting to hold this cup by herself to get a drink!

Here is Maggy enjoying one of her favorites--Chips and salsa!. Casey is in the background. Cory had gathered Maggy's hair into a ponytail to get it out of her face.

Kevin and Ron are 'fixing up' the salsa to make it spicier. I think they almost got it too spicy.

Since we knew Kirk's birthday was going to be while we were gone---we decided to sing Happy Birthday to him. The proprieters heard us and brought him this sombrero to wear (and a shot of ?something?,too!). Then sang a Spanish version of a Happy Birthday song to him. He has already grown his mustache and beard for the cold season, and also because 'deer season' starts in just a few days.

This pic will have to be sideways since I forgot to turn it before I uploaded it. You can see how red his face got when he realized they had brought him that shot of ?something? He didn't want to offend them since they had brought it to him to be nice. They did not speak much English so he could explain about it...so he just drank it. They thought they had really done him a favor!!
[ I'm glad Kistopher and I figured out how to get my pics where I could get them to upload for blogging. Thanks, Kris!]
I was going to say...look how red his ears got. :O)
I love how happy that made Ron to see Kirk wearing the Sombrero!
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