Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We got back from Branson on Friday afternoon, and by the time we unloaded the van we were "done" for a while, so we rested. Kris got here to spend the weekend around 6:30 or 7:00, and we headed to Sedalia for something to eat. I had called Earline earlier to tell her we would pick up our dog, Buddie, on Saturday morning if that was alright. [Buddie and Nuisance, her dog, and J J her cat love to play together and she graciously allows us to let Buddie spend time there when we are out of town.] She said,"Did you know KDRO is calling for snow? An inch overnite, and a couple of inches tomorrow?" At first I thought she was kidding, because we had had 70* weather on Thursday!
Well, I woke early on Saturday morning [because the cat wanted out] and it was snowing but hadn't been for long because you could still see grass,etc. But that cat took one look outside and ran back the other way. He wanted no part in the snow!! It continued to snow and by the time we were all up[I went back to sleep!] we had about 3 inches. By the time it stopped around 12:30 we had about 5 1/2 or 6! That is the biggest snow we have had all year!
Ron and Kris cleaned off the sidewalk and a path up the driveway to the van so we could get to town. The snow was light and moved easily, in fact they used a broom to move most of it. We did a little necessary shopping and then picked up the dog. The state was out cleaning off 50& 65 hwys, and the county had been down W hwy so we were able to get around with no trouble. The attendance at church the next morning was a little light, but we have people who come from as far as Cole Camp and Greenridge, quite a few older people, and there are quite a few on the sick list, too. Never the less we had a great service!
In the afternoon was Bostin's birthday party at Stacy's folks house. He had turned 7 on Friday. His Mom gets to have him on his birthday, but Kirk and Stacy always have a family party for him, too, either right before or just after his birthday. He was very loving, and gave out thank yous and hugs with out a lot of prompting from Kirk or Stacy! This is a lot of progress for him, as he is usually very shy about things like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't tell my kids about the snow at first cause I knew they would be sad. We got maybe two inches total this year. not fun for kids(and husband) who love to sled, snowboard, etc. I'm fine without it. :O)