Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Or as one of my grandkids said one time "Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy".[That is what they thought we were saying!]
It seems like we have been kept busy the past few weeks with one thing and another.
The Saturday before Father's Day several of the kids showed up for a 'work day' at our house. Ron fixed 'Biscuits and Gravy' for breakfast and after a short 'meeting' to discuss what they wanted to accomplish for the day, the work began. Kirk got his tall ladder and cleaned out the gutters [maple 'trees 'were growing in them, plus other debris that had gathered over the winter]. They had decided to take out the overgrown lilac bushes, so Kris got busy with the 'loppers' and started cutting them out. Kevin came back with his chainsaws and they also began to take out the redbud that was growing closest to the deck. It had 3 trunks coming up out of the ground and they had started to split apart so that the branches were getting lower all of the time. I didn't realize that was happening so much, just thought it needed to be trimmed,etc. When they got it down, though, you could see that it was starting to die from the inside. I miss it, and the shade and privacy it used to provide, but I'm glad they realized what was going on with it. There is a humongous, tall pile of branches and clippings waiting to be burned now! Each of the kids brought something to fix for supper and we had pork steaks and chops and weiners etc; with baked beans, salads, deviled eggs, and desserts for supper. Yummy!! [Forgot to say that I had fixed sandwich and chip stuff for lunch, including bologna salad, and braunschweiger for my kids plus other luncheon meats for the others. Had a little arguing over who got "piggy" over the bologna salad!]
A week ago last Sunday, Kirk 'borrowed' a pressure washer from his father-in-law and we started 'washing' the house. Have all of the front and the East side and half of the back done. Ron cleaned the front porch and the steps to the driveway one evening and then Dillon came and helped him do the steps up to the back deck and part of the deck floor, too. Then last Saturday Ron did most of the rest of the floor, and I finished the rest and did the railings around the deck and the seating area. It looks so 'new' now! Then we got a little carried away! Ron started washing off the travel trailer, and worked some more on a resin table he had previously started. Then I went back to the trailer and got most of it finished, cleaned off the picnic table, the yard swing, and some resin chairs. Kirk had come when Ron was cleaning the deck floor and he got in on some of that, but he spent most of his time digging up the root balls on two of the lilac bushes that had been cut down before. It is slow tedious work! Kris had worked some on the big lilac bush's root ball at the southeast corner over 4th of July weekend-in between rain storms. So we still have the West side of the house to 'wash' and the rest of the back.It will have to be dryer than it was last week when they wash the rest of the back because that is where the garden spot is and they will have to be careful and not sink the ladder in to the garden---or damage any of the tomato or pepper plants!


Anonymous said...

I'm sad that we couldn't be there to help with the work day. I'm sure I know who the piggy was on the bologna salad. KIRK!! :O) I'm glad you are getting some much needed work done on your house. Would love to be there to help you with the inside! Good luck with that!

Kate said...

Thank goodness for helping family! I always try to go help grandma when I get a minute. She has done so much for our family and for me to take some worry off her plate makes me feel like I can give back a little! Plus I don't want her doing all the stuff that it takes to up keep her house. I mean, it's not exactly safe for her to be cleaning out her gutters!

Ron/Dad/Papaw said...

I think I know who got carried away with the power washer!!!
And it wasn't really Ron! I told the boys we created a monster; Judy/Mom really liked using it and it does such a good job of making things look new. Thanks so much, kids, for all your help!

Anonymous said...

I've used a power washer before on our fence in Hutch. It is WAY fun!!

Nana-Judy said...

Actually, I think Kevin won the "Piggy" contest this time! Kirk and Stacy and kids came this afternoon. Kirk got the rest of the house washed, and worked some more on the trailer [parts I had trouble reaching] There is a little bit yet to do on the outside of the deck and the part of the house that is under the deck. I will work on pulling the stuff out of the shed so they can finish it up [maybe Tuesday eve,]