Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt at Papaw and Nanny's 2010

Dillon is congratulating Bostin on finding so many eggs while Emily and Stacy look on.
Looks like Emily's bag is pretty full, too. Mommy helped her by carrying the bag and telling her " you might look...over there...I think I see something..." It is amazing the ones they find with no trouble...and then there are the ones they completely miss that they have almost stepped on!
Maggy and Danielle are looking through the flower bed. I think Maggy found the special egg that Papaw had put money in!
There are lots of "hidey holes" here for eggs. And a few were hiding in that front flower bed, too.
We always count the eggs before they are hidden, and then count each childs 'collection' so we know if they have all been found! Years ago, we didn't do that and there was a very 'stinky' egg hit by the mower several weeks afterwards! Also, we do hide a few 'real' eggs but most of them are the plastic kind filled with "goodies". I think everyone had a great time...either hunting or helping


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