Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Our bags are packed...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We're just back...
We had a wonderful relaxing time. Got down there on Wednesday afternoon and got settled in our condo. It was very foggy on Thursday and Friday mornings. You couldn't even see the trees that were just off of our deck for a while. By around 8:30 or 9:00 it had all burned off and we had a beautiful sunny day. We went out to Silver Dollar City on Thursday. It was the 'Craft Festival' so there were a lot of extra booths set up around the city with 'outside' vendors[not usually part of the city] selling a big variety of things. I saw a lot of interesting stuff, but nothing I couldn't live without! We took in 2 different shows there, too. One was like a little mini-musical about "Moving West". The singing in this one was outstanding! Great voices. The other one was a family of "Bluegrass" singers that were very good,too.
Friday we slept late, did a little shopping and ended the day with "The Concert". Remember, I told you Ron had gotten tickets for Johnny Mathis concert for our anniversary. When you go to onw of these concerts, and it is someone you have admired for several years, you often wonder."Will it be as good as I am imagining it is going to be?" Well it was!!! The venue was sold out and it was worth every bit of the time and effort anyone made to get there! He sang lots of our favorites, but quite a few newer arrangements, too. A lady next to us had a souvenir book about him [I tried to get one today but the shop wasn't open :-(], and it gave his birthdate, etc. We figured out that he must be around 72. But he sure didn't act or sing like it! He was on pitch and smooth with the delivery;--It Was GREAT!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Do you believe in prayer?
Father God, I pray for these two people you have put on my heart. You know the needs they have. I pray for wisdom for them to know the best thing to do in their situation. I pray for strength for them to to do the things they must do. I pray for Your presence to be so evident in their lives in the next few days that they feel you close beside them as they work through this period of their life. Bless them, Father, I pray In Jesus name, Amen
I would appreciate your prayers for these two people, too. Thanks!! Judy
Monday, September 22, 2008
BDACE* continued
* Best Day After Christmas Ever ( which is how I had titled the last post, but it somehow got erased.)
One more shot of Rob and Karl in front of 'the sign'.
Here they are, talking in the restaurant.
Here is Kris, Ron, Karl, Rob, and Kevin. I was sitting next to Rin when I took this pic.
Here is a (too dark :0( ! ) pic of the whole gang that was there. Karl was standing on a chair or something at the back. Our waitress took this pic. In this pic: Ron and Judy; Kevin, Dillon and Dakota, Dillon's room mate Hiro [from Japan]; Danielle, Cecil, and Maggy; Kristopher; Karl and Rob.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Some of you may already know that Karl made a BIG MISTAKE in his life a few years ago and because of that he spent the past 5 Christmases in prison. It was so great to finally go get him on the day after Christmas 2007 and spend a little of the Holiday with him again. He will be on parole until 2012, but he is doing very well and we are so proud to see him accomplishing some goals. Sometimes it is Baby Steps, but that is alright. He is moving forward with his life.
The top left picture shows his reaction to a little bit of Christmas we had set up for him in our motel room--a tiny tree, his stocking, and a gift. (You can't send them any gifts in prison) The top right picture is of him looking at the gift. I had made all of the kids a Childhood Memory scrapbook the year before, and he is finally getting to look through his. Ron, Kristopher and I went to pick him up and then we met Kevin and Family at the Union Station in St.Louis.[Karl spent several months at a 'halfway house' in St.Louis when he got out] . When we got to Union Station, Karl and I waited by this sign while Ron and Kris went to meet Kevin and family and bring them to our location. In the middle pic on the left, you can see Danielle and her family greeting him and keeping him occupied while Someone Special was sneaking around the other side of the sign to surprise him. Karl saw something out of the corner of his eye and turned...there was Robbie [his son]! He was so surprised because it had NOT looked like Robbie was going to get to be there. You can tell in the right pic that Karl was extremely glad to see him. Because of certain rules at the prison, they had not been able to see each other for 2 or 3 years. The last time they were together, Robbie was just as tall as Karl. You can see from the last picture, that Rob had grown several inches since then. Karl just kept saying "I can't believe you're here! I can't believe how BIG you've gotten!"
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Another trip to Branson?
He heard someone tell about how they had gotten tickets for a special appearance concert in Branson. So he got on the net and looked it up Sure enough, he bought two tickets on line, and printed the order form off, then he put it in my anniversary card.
Johnny Mathis is coming to Branson and we have tickets for Friday night the 26th. I am really amazed and excited!!
Now I realize that not many of you may know who he is and why I am so 'over the moon' about this. So, I will try to explain: Johnny sings love songs and ballads. He was really popular about the time we got married. We had several 'albums' of his songs [You know...several songs on one 'record'. Kinda like you have on a CD,now?] Anyway, 'Our Song' is one that is done by him. It is called "Chances Are".
Chances are 'cause I wear a silly grin the moment you come into view. Chances are you think that I'm in love with you. ( sigh!)
Well, I won't bore you with any more of that... but now, maybe you can understand why I am excited!
Why is it...?
I don't have time for a cold right now! We are singing at a church in Warsaw on Sunday, and we are leaving for 3days in Branson on Wednesday... GRRRRR!!
Oh well. Guess I will just have to take extra vitamin C ,and some cold medicine, and suck on some lozenges. This had all better be gone when we head to Oregon on the 2nd of October!! And, oh, I hope Ron doesn't catch it!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Seeing Karl in St.Louis
We had a really great day together. Ate downtown and then drove out to the Science Center entrance. We didn't have time to go through it, but we played around on the interactive exhibits outside. For some reason, I didn't get pictures :(.
Jacob was feeling a little 'rocky', because he was recovering from having his tonsils out, but he seemed to feel better as the day went on. His biggest problem was getting something "easy" to eat! He managed a little better this day and then I fixed mashed potaoes, creamy hamburger gravy, and mushy broccolli and cauliflower (cooked like Papaw likes it!) for supper a night or two after this. He got that down really well and then he really started to feel better, and pretty soon was 'on the mend'. Poor Guy! He was just wasting away! Ha! He's just a teenage boy. They need LOTS of fuel at this age!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
My "Guitar Heroes"
I got these pics without them realizing I was even in the room. I really like this last one!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Maggy LeAnn
Maggy was 3 on July 21st. Danielle recently started back to work,evenings, and I occasionally get Maggy for the period between Danielle going to work and when Kevin/Cory get home. Then they have her for the evening. I just wanted to introduce Maggy to some who have never met her. She is a cutie!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Keith and Family
Friday, September 5, 2008
Pics from Karl's birthday
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Echo Hollow at SDC
This is the end of my pics from Branson.