Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our bags are packed...

and we are off again! This time we are heading for Oregon!! The Lambs are all excited because we are coming. We hope to see a few of the things they enjoyed over this past summer, but mostly we are looking forward to just spending time together. We'll talk to you again after we get back, sometime around the middle of October. Maybe I will have some great pics to share!!


Anonymous said...

If it doesn't decide to rain... No rain all summer and now it's in the forcast for several days that you will be here. Ugh!! when it rains it pours...:O) I crack myself up. :O)

Anonymous said...

Yep, we're almost on our way, and Judy's suitcase...well, it doesn't really look like a suitcase, it looks like a trunk!...I don't know if the plane will get off the ground!
