These pics were taken when we went to see them in March. This is Joel Keith. He was 9 in January--almost exactly 9 months older than Madison. He is a big guy for his age, he is almost as tall as Jacob!, but with a stockier build. He likes baseball and basketball, and his dad is teaching him to play the trumpet. He is a good combination, in looks, of his Mom and his Dad.

This is Philip Neil. He was 5 in January--a year younger than Bostin. If you want an example of perpetual motion, you might consider Philip! He likes/needs to be busy. He likes Thomas the Engine and swinging [when the weather is warm]. He looks a lot like pictures of Ron at this age, except for the blonde hair. He is showing me a book he had gotten at the library. Sharon homeschools the boys, and they are ahead of most kids their age in their studies.

The boys are making silly faces because this was the 3rd attempt to get them all smiling in the picture! We had a great visit with them. Even got to go to church with them. Keith sang a solo for church and then, after church we got to hear him practice with a Brass Group that was going to play the next week for evening church. [ Keith plays the tuba for that.] Sharon treated us to some good Polish cooking for Sunday Dinner. Something she grew up eating, but I can't tell you what it is, because I have no idea how to spell it!! It was very good, though, and seems to be a family favorite.
I'm trying to decide who Keith looks like. I keep going to a picture I've seen of Grandpa Coen for some reason. Maybe it's all that grey(gray?)hair. :O)
Hey, babe, good pics...I've finally gotten a chance to read all of your comments and about the trip and all; every time we go to Branson it makes me want to be able to take everyone. Love you lots! MCS!
Karen, Grandma always said Keith reminded her of Grandpa! He is built like him and has hands like his,too, besides the general 'look'. Grandpa was pretty wiry and skinny with lots of muscle!
Thanks , Sweetheart! Glad you got caught up! I'd love to take everyone,too. MCS!
Its so nice to 'see' all the rest of the family!
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