Bostin noticed the pool from our room at the condo so he asked "When can we go swimming?" Since we had some time, Kirk said "How about right now!" Here Bostin is trying to figure out how to get on this air mattress and Emily wants to 'get daddy'.

The pool toys were evidently part of the amenities because they were there when we got there and still there the next day, too. Bostin found out he could kick a little with his feet and make this go wherever he wanted. We kept reminding him "Don't let go!" when he got into deep areas. He really did pretty well for someone with very little experience in a big pool.

Can you tell he is starting to get a little cold? As the sun started to go down it got a little chilly!

Here, everyone is wrapping up in their towels to head back to our condo. Ron and I sat out and watched this time, but we all went swimming in the indoor pool a couple of nights later. Didn't get any pics there, though!
Isn't blogging much more fun when you can post pictures?!? :O) I see Bostin with those Papaw ears. :O)
I've got one question...
What happened to all of Kirk's hair? ;)
He shaves it off in the summer because he works outside in all of the weather. He says it is cooler this way. I also think he doesn't want to have it in his eyes,etc. Remember...he use to use as much or more hairspray etc. as Karen to keep his hair "in place"!
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