Monday, August 4, 2008

One more thing...

Remember how excited I was because it looked like they were fixing the street? Well the part they DID fix looks great. All over town! But, when they oiled and chatted, or chip sealed, [what ever,] they did NOT do the whole circle. Just the part they evidently consider the 'traffic' area. Which leaves the rest , or 2/3's of the circle to finish. Hey, they ran the grader over the whole thing! Why didn't they chip and seal the whole thing????? Guess I will be asking that question when I pay the water bill!


Lori said...


Anonymous said...

So they did everything but the inside of the circle huh?!? Thats the way they snow plow too and you always get stuck if it's snowed very much. I guess you don't count if you don't live on a straight away. :O)